I enjoy this game, but I do have some suguestions for some issues. 1. Frequent complaints about a server eceptionist being rude! What could be done is to have the server eceptionist set up with 2 ways to make more wages. The first is to have the owner set the base pay of course, and then the second is to have a "tips" set up. When there is a amount of complaints about the server eceptionist, you could have the owner(Armond) "talk" to the server eceptionist, which would trigger the tips part. The server eceptionist would be "aware" of tips then and would have to do better to get the tips. If there are servers eceptionist that don't get complaints then they automatically get the tips allowed them at the end of the day or could be set up to get tips based on how many complaints that they have had.
2. Frequent complaints about "dirty dishes". This one I have got to think of a way to fix .